Kevin Guelton
Professor of Automatic control - Robotics and mechatronics

University of Valenciennes (2000-2005):

From 2000 to 2005, Kevin Guelton served as instructor (Moniteur de l'enseignement supérieur) then temporary assistant professor (ATER) at the ENSIAME (École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Informatique Automatique Mécanique Energétique Electronique, Valenciennes, France). During this period, he taught the following units:

- Artificial vision and image processing (lessons 8h, laboratories 18h / year / group, bac+5).

- Continuous control in the frequency domain (laboratories 18h / year / group, bac+3).

- Algorithmic and pseudo-language programming (lessons 18h / year / group, bac+3).

- PLC programming (laboratories 12h / year / group, bac+3).

- Combinatory and sequential logic (laboratories 9h / year / group, bac+3).

- Personal and professional project (lessons 9h / year / group, bac+4).

University of Reims (2005-current position):

Since frebruary 2005, Kevin Guelton as been appointed as associate professor at the University of Reims. His teaching duty is divided in three departments: Electrical Engineering department (EEA), Biochemical and Health department (BCS) and ESIEC (École d'Ingénieurs en Emballage et Conditionnement), where he mainly teaches the following units:

At the Electrical Engineering department:

- Supervision, GRAFCET and PLC programming (lessons 14h, directed works 10h, laboratories 18h / year / group , L3 EEA, LPro MQ2E).

- Continuous control in the frequency domain (laboratories 18h / year / group, L3 EEA).

- Advanced control (lessons 12h, directed works 6h, laboratories 9h, Master Pro EEA).

- Robotics and vision (lessons 8h, directed works 8h, Master Pro EEA).

- Project management (lessons 8h, directed works 8h / year / group , Master Pro EEA).

At the Biochemical and Health department:

- Project management (lessons 8h, directed works 8h / year / group, Master Pro SQHE-GD).

- Physical and mechanical risks (lessons 10h / years / group, Master Pro SQHE-GD).

- Maintenance and reliability (lessons 10h, directed work 8h /years /group, Master 1 GEDD).

At the ESIEC:

- Combinatory and sequential logic (directed works 8h, laboratories 12h / year / group, bac+3).